Splash screen & loading data ๐Ÿ’พ

In many applications, you need to load data from API before displaying any content. To do that, we built a solid navigation based on a splash screen to load data before the content shows, and inline require to improve performance.

How the navigation is build โ“

The answer is :

Like it's recommended in the React Navigation V5 documentation ๐Ÿค“

Like everywhere else, the entry point of the navigation is in the root file :

const App = () => (
<Provider store={store}>
<PersistGate loading={null} persistor={persistor}>
<ApplicationNavigator />

What is new here is into the ApplicationNavigator component :

const Stack = createStackNavigator()
let MainNavigator
// @refresh reset
const ApplicationNavigator = () => {
const { Layout, darkMode, NavigationTheme } = useTheme()
const { colors } = NavigationTheme
const [isApplicationLoaded, setIsApplicationLoaded] = useState(false)
const applicationIsLoading = useSelector((state) => state.startup.loading)
useEffect(() => {
if (MainNavigator == null && !applicationIsLoading) {
MainNavigator = require('@/Navigators/Main').default
}, [applicationIsLoading])
return (
<SafeAreaView style={[Layout.fill, { backgroundColor: colors.card }]}>
<NavigationContainer theme={NavigationTheme} ref={navigationRef}>
<StatusBar barStyle={darkMode ? 'light-content' : 'dark-content'} />
<Stack.Navigator headerMode={'none'}>
<Stack.Screen name="Startup" component={IndexStartupContainer} />
{isApplicationLoaded && (
animationEnabled: false,

So the root navigator is a stack with two screens :

  • the splash screen (IndexStartupContainer),
  • a second navigator (MainNavigator).

The main goal of the ApplicationNavigator is to only have one screen (the IndexStartupContainer) to load. And, when the application finish loading, then fetch and display the MainNavigator. In other words, when ApplicationNavigator is mounted, it only can display the IndexStartupContainer because the MainNavigator isn't loaded and imported yet. In the StartupContainer, the redux action which is used to load data on init application is trigger and when the action is finish, the state state.startup.initialize.loading turns true. when this state is true, in the useEffect the MainNavigator navigator is imported , the navigation navigate and reset to a screen of the MainNavigator.

To conclude, all new screens have to be added to MainNavigator. The ApplicationNavigator increase startup performance thanks to inline require and provides a splash screen to load your data.

How to load data before app open โ“

To have a great separation of concerns, all API call are make into Services. In the above section, it said that in IndexStartupContainer, a redux action is triggered. This action is InitializeStartupAction :

useEffect(() => {
}, [dispatch])

In redux, triggering an action lead to an associated reducer and in most cases the action pass trough a middleware. All the logic can be found at Stores/Startup/Init.js.

import { buildAction, buildReducers } from '@/Store/builder'
import FetchOne from '@/Store/User/FetchOne'
export default {
initialState: { loading: false, error: null },
action: buildAction('startup/init', async (args, { dispatch }) => {
// Timeout to fake waiting some process
// Remove it, or keep it if you want display a beautiful splash screen ;)
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))
// Here we load the user 1 for example, but you can for example load the connected user
await dispatch(FetchOne.action(1))
await dispatch(DefaultTheme.action({ theme: 'default', darkMode: null }))
// Navigate and reset to the main navigator
reducers: buildReducers({ itemKey: null }), // We do not want to modify some item by default

All stores are based on redux-toolkit to simplify the process of API calls by using the createAsyncThunk function (hidden by the buildAction action which is a store builder function). So, to load data on splash screen you just have to add dispatched action in the buildAction like FetchOne and DefaultTheme in the above example.